Fayzulla Khadjayev's Museum


The house-museum of Faizulla Khojayev in Bukhara is a bright example of 19th century architecture and is open to tourists. You can visit every day from 09:00 to 17:00. This historical complex, which is very popular among tourists, allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of Bukhara at the end of the 19th century, the life of merchants of that time, home furnishings and rare examples of art.

The building is located in the center of Bukhara, at 70 Abdulla Tokai street. The house-museum first belonged to the famous merchant Ubaidullo Khoja Kasim Khojayev, and then it passed to his son Fayzulla Khojayev. The area is 3 hectares.

According to Uzbek architectural traditions of the last century, the house is divided into two parts, an outer courtyard for men and various receptions, and inner courtyards designated for mahrams and women.


In 1916-1920, he became a member of the "Young Bukhara" party and quickly assumed the leadership role. His partner and after some time his close friend was the historian and poet Abdurauf Fitrat. Faizulla Khojayev puts forward the ideas of Jadidism.

In 1937, he was arrested by the NKVD, and in 1938 he was sentenced to death. 

Later, his brother Aziz-ghalib was also persecuted. In 1965, the name of the Khojayev family was fully restored, and they were officially recognized as victims of repression.


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